This is my filly: Blizzard.
Click here to create your own foal!
This is my colt: Lightning.
Adopt A Horse
| nameSaharas Pride breed arabian age4 years gender Arabian adoption date26.02.04 owner nameQuenya
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Adopt A Horse
| name Lady breed clydesdale age5 years genderclydesdale adoption date26.02.04 owner nameQuenya
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That was all of my horses, well not ALL because i have some horses in the Horse section. I am a horse lover, if you are a horse lover, join . I love dogs too they are cute, if you are a dog lover join and when you have some dogs in furrypaws and getts tierd of them, search for Anwamane and send her a msg, if you just are going on a vaccation, let her know give her you login name and pasword and she will feed, play, and train all of your dogs, and it is FREE!
do you wanna know a secret?? I am the owner of Anwamane kennel, YOU know that you can trust me!
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