Elizabeth (thinks): Bad breath bad breath, and his hands! cold like ice!
Elizabeth: oh, a good looking guy! i wonder if my hair is perfect........
Jack: ok, Will you can let "Miss Swan" go now!
Will: you are just jalus!
Elizabet (thinks): is the picture over? is the picure over? is the picture over?
Buddy icons:
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But Why Is the Rum Gone? FUN Jack/Johnny site w/good photos and very detailed info about Jack
Captain Jack Lots of great photos, nautical term glossary, maps, and a lot more fun stuff
Official Site Not terribly impressive, but some nice wallpapers and video clips
PotC Script The full script
Sparrow and the Pearl Gallery, icons, banners, sound clips, and much more
Pirate Lovers Fan site
The PotC Guild Fun contests, quizzes, more
Savvy, Mates? Includes banners, music, links, and lots more